San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau - Hemp 101 Session for Growers

June 21, 2019


The San Luis Obispo County Farm Bureau is hosting a Hemp 101 Session for Growers on June 21 from 9:30am-1pm at the Farm Bureau office located at 4875 Morabito Place, San Luis Obispo, CA.

This event is free for Farm Bureau members, $75 for non-members. Why join Farm Bureau? Learn more about becoming a member at:

Presentations from the SLO County Agriculture Commissioner's Office, a SLO County farmer raising hemp in California and in other states, and a former Kentucky Department of Agriculture hemp regulator, will give you an overview of regulatory, agronomy, and the current market challenges and opportunities surrounding industrial hemp. Light snacks and drinks will be provided.

To register for this event as a non-member, please use Eventbrite:

SLO County Farm Bureau members will not have an admission charge, but still need to register by calling 805-543-3654 or emailing

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